
MODSTREET helps communities with placemaking, revitalization and re-envisioning of their Main Streets and downtowns. We have designed a state-of-the-art solution for restaurants, breweries, retailers and communities, to offer guest service seating on sidewalks and in parking spaces. Our parklets, enclosures and barricades are made of raw steel making them safe for your patrons. All of our products are easily assembled with our revolutionary modular system. No construction means no downtime for your business or community. Expand your business or community outdoors with safety, style and ease with America's downtowns.
(970) 422-8400
736 Main Ave
Suite A
Durango, CO 81301

This is a list of companies and consultants who provide services to Main Street communities. Being included on this list does not represent an endorsement by NMSC and NMSC is not making any express or implied representation or warranty about these companies and consultants.